// the MINI SITES network


Welcome to the MINI SITES, we're an elite network designed for dedicated webmasters who feel the same way that we do, that the web needs well-rounded fansites, created by talented individuals with a little of everything.

 Network Statistics

Total Links: 2 approved (+0 pending)
Total Categories: 2
Staff Members: 1 (interested?)
Last Updated: April 23, 2024


What are the mini sites?

The Mini Sites is a network of fansites that have a little bit of everything: a little content, a little interactivity, a little media, a little info....everything a web surfer is looking for. The concept is simple, you sign up for a Mini Site like you would for a *Fanlisting, you choose the fandom you want and create a well rounded fansite for it, it couldn't be simpler, and once you've applied and been approved for a specific MS, nobody else can apply for it.

*We are NOT the Fanlistings, we bow down to the Fanlistings, the very first fan network.